
Hope you who are reading my stuff will find something
in it to help you with your day.

“With God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26




47 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Cute dog πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Robin, your little furry friend looks a bit like my Mo- Joe, real cute, I will look forward to reading your Story soon, sorry I can’t leave a Like, they stop me on some blogs but in one way it is good because I can tell you personally that I do like your message and leave a big smilie instead πŸ˜€

    So pleased you have joined us by Blogging – Love Anne

    • Hi Anne,
      I just discovered that my comments on other peoples’ blogs don’t connect back to my own blog. I tried to talk to wordpress support about this but didn’t get much of an answer to my problem. I noticed that your comment connects back to your own blog. Can you tell me how you got this to work? My comments only connect back to my gravatar page.
      Thanks for all your help, and for being my friend too
      love you
      robin claire

      • Hi Robin as far as I understand it, depends on what link your using, either your Gravatar or your Blog after your name when you comment , where it says website etc

        Take Care friend – Love Anne

        • Hi Anne,
          Thank you for trying to help me fix my computer problem. I got it fixed – and I was able to do it ALL BY MYSELF!! Wow. I was actually able to fix a computer problem without help!!! Probably God helped me though. Maybe He wants me to keep blogging?
          love to you friend,

          • That’s great Robin, good on you, I had the same experience myself except I was being stopped from using my Computer and then our Blog by a Hacker ? but God gave me a gateway more then once.

            Take Care friend – Christian Love Anne.

  3. You like Joshua. He’s my little “whiny” dog. He makes all kinds of whiny sounds if he doesn’t get what he wants . He’s just like the kid I never had. But it’s so cute I can’t resist his requests.
    That’s ok if you can’t put a “Like” on my blog. I think you can put a “Like” on it by starting an account. The box that appears has an “Open an Account” on it. It’s very easy. I think the “Like” requirement is so I don’t get Spam.

  4. Hi Robin just to let you know the Like is so others can encourage you it’s not about spam and I can’t see your box β€œOpen an Account, Hmmmm interesting I wonder what WordPress are promoting now, perhaps they want you to start a New Blog, I have a few.

    Yes my M and Ms, Monty and Mo-Joe are my little furry babies although, but I call them the Boys as they think they are very grown up especially when they try to tell me what to do.

    Take Care will I be in touch again soon.

    Christian Love Anne.

  5. Robin, when I need a doggie fix, I know I can always come look at Joshua’s picture! ;=)

  6. Thanks robin for your support always. Cute dog.

  7. robin, you sent unshakablehope something you called a Reality Blog Aware. what exactly IS that? i’ve never even heard of it, but i love the sound of it. i’m brand new to blogging, and learning slowly but surely…

    • Hi Bill,
      You truly do deserve this award.
      I did this award stuff in 4 separate posts as I was very confused by how to handle it as well. So you’ll have to read all of them to understand what you’re supposed to do when you receive one.

  8. πŸ™‚ love ya.

  9. I really enjoy reading your blog. Your writing is both sincere and witty. It is why your blog has been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. http://mydailyminefield.com/2012/12/29/very-inspiring-blogger/

  10. Robin
    You have been my most treasured of supporters since I started my Blog back in October, you have liked or posted the kindest of comments on almost everything I have written, support like that just drives me on.
    I look forward to the New year and hope to share more comments with each other as we both travel our own journeys.
    Thank you so much for just being there these last few months, your support is invaluable.
    Forever your friend,

  11. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award xXx

  12. As a token of appreciation and support for your awesome contribution, I wanted to let you know that you were awarded your star for the Blog of the Year 2012 award. πŸ™‚

    Blog of the Year 2012


  14. Great blog!

  15. Hi Robin, I’ve nominated you for A Very Inspiring Blogger Award! http://identityrenewed.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/a-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    Your friend, Teryn πŸ™‚

  16. Congratulations! You have been nominated for an award. Follow the link below and have fun!

  17. Love your blog and attitude! Thank you for making me smile when I see you have visited my blog!…Jill

  18. I love the picture of your dog. It reminds me of my very true and faithful friend, Annie, of long ago. She had blond colored fur, but her facial features and furriness looked just like your dog’s face.

  19. What a cutie pie! Hey, there are seven awards for you on my blog. You can pick them up here:

    Lovely Awards!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  20. Thank you for the visit. πŸ˜€

  21. Is this your little puppy? How adorable! We have two and I don’t know where I’d be without them.

  22. paininhidingabuse said:

    Hi thank you for following my blog…look forward to exploring yours and a chat!
    Love Lisa

  23. http://msinop1.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/the-versatile-blogger-award/- Your amazing and this blog is a living testament to the power of God!!! Congrats!!

  24. believing in God, and believing that through God nothing is too hard for him and he overshadow thee with his spirit this thank you

  25. May God bless you and your family..

  26. What a cute dog. Is it a shitzu? I have a little Yorkshire. Probably even smaller than yours.

  27. It’s a shitzu/poodle mix. His name is Joshua – Joshy for short. I have no children so he’s 5 years old and my 4 footed, furry baby. I also have a bizon-frize/poodle mix too.

I would be interested in your thoughts.